We were finishing our late afternoon ToDo errands list. You know, return books to the library, pick up a chicken at Costco, and get a specific cat litter found only at Walmart. After entering the second sliding glass door, two people at a small kiosk greeted us. Tax time was my first thought. But when I saw a tray on the left with beverages in clear plastic cups and a tray on the right with pastry samples, I knew it was human interaction time.
“Hi, we’re opening a new coffee shop here…” was the beginning of the pitch from one of the kiosk hosts telling me about FUTUREBEAN, a new coffee shop experience found exclusively in Walmart Supercenters, according to the one-page website. She delivered the line with precision and enthusiasm and handed me my coupon.

I looked at my son and took advantage of a dad-joke moment when I said, “I see coffee in our future.” I’m sure the host heard my response from one of the 647 product introductions she made while at the kiosk, but she laughed and raised her eyebrows as if it were original material. We took a clear plastic cup shot of a creamy cold brew and moved on to our one-item purchase purpose.
“As technology, particularly AI and automation, has advanced, there seems to be a growing desire for human contact and personal connection. This desire cuts through all the digital noise, revealing a fundamental human need that technology cannot fully satiate.”
Good luck finding a modern business-themed blog or article that doesn’t mention AI. It’s the hot topic of the era, and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down because artificial intelligence has improved since you started reading this post. The balance between technology and human connection has a much longer history than AI. Human interaction has never been replaced by a gadget or the innovation of the day. Challenged? Yes. But not overcome.
I just want someone to talk to and a little of that human touch –
Bruce Springsteen, Human Touch (1992)
I like what Matteo Pittaluga said in a Forbes article last year about the need for human interaction. “By delegating tasks to technology where appropriate but keeping customer care and personalization at the forefront, businesses can strike a harmonious balance that satisfies both the demand for efficiency and the human desire for connection.”

FUTUREBEAN did what every product has attempted since the dawn of commerce: create a connection in the marketplace and influence the recipient’s need for a product or service. I don’t know if their conference room strategy sessions included goals for balancing technology and human interaction. Something as simple as placing dedicated, enthusiastic humans at a small kiosk near the entrance of one of the world’s largest retail stores made a connection with this storyfinder.
Radio’s Connective Tissue
Radio stations and the audio brands associated with the medium have been in the human touch business since the 1920s. Radio has been called the original social media because there was a subconscious connection between the listener and the information and entertainment emanating from the radio speaker. From broadcasting the results of the 1920 U.S. presidential election to creating theater-type variety productions during the Golden Age of Radio to the redefinition of popular music formats in the early days of rock ‘n’ roll to the fragmentation and brand growth opportunities in the digital age, Radio’s greatest strength is the ability the create an instant connection with humans through spoken word and music.
Another strength is Radio’s ability to adapt to change. Audience attrition created by the invention of television, digital audio, video, and social media platforms has challenged this venerable medium. And yet, it thrives through all the noise and obstacles.
Routinely rightsizing operations is key to the success of any business. However, as the radio industry realigns itself in the rapidly evolving quest for audiences from multiple mediums, don’t forget the power of marketing your brand through the original social media: the human touch.

Ron Harrell
As the Founder and Principal Story Finder of Harrell Media Group, I offer Brand Consultation, Talent Coaching and Fractional Management for radio and audio brands.
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