The Cicada invasion of 2024 is brooding. See what I did there? These noisy little creatures struggle for 13 to 17 years to make themselves seen and heard. Let’s celebrate the Cicadas and their buzz-worthy ideas for our brands by taking advantage of the arrival of Broods XIX and XIII.
radio loves these moments
- The Cicadas of Rock: Artists or bands who released an album every 13 or 17 years. Or, the act with 13 or 17 hits. The numbers give you room to change the narrative. The 13 (17) biggest ____songs of all time. This can be a fun list when you start filling in the blanks to fit your needs.
- Buzz Worthy: Artists or News figures who created a buzz and then quickly faded. The internet is your friend. Think and search.
- For the News/Talk stations: “Traffic, Weather…and Cicadas…on the 8s.” If you operate in a market with a heavy Cicada presence, add the moment to your benchmark Traffic and Weather updates. Of course, get an exterminator to sponsor it.
- If you can’t go air with the content, make your website and socials a place to showcase your creativity.
tastes like chicken
- Cicada Soup. These little guys are edible. It will play to the extremes: Bar food or an arrogant restaurant with a European chef willing to experiment.
- Fried Cicadas. As someone who has spent a considerable part of his life in the South, there is nothing you can’t fry. State Fairs and ballparks are havens for this delicacy opportunity. Try a dark chocolate-covered Cicada if you need a healthy option.
- Cicada Buzz. It’s a drink. You decide the ingredients, but the happy hour special is a no-brainer.
- Are these things safe? This Scientific American article says you and the dog and feast. Good luck. https://bit.ly/3QBWqfx
other buzz-worthy ideas
- Cicada Spelling Bee. Words that are easily misspelled. An interactive bar event, a school classroom, or a radio morning show.
- Don’t Drive Buzzed. State transportation department lighted signs with this message and a graphic of a Cicada.
- We stop the invaders: an electronic billboard for an exterminator. The Cicadas (or another insect) explode after flying into the company logo.
- Cicada Flyaway. If you’re in the thick of the invasion, send a customer to a resort area not affected by the broods.
- Cicada Beta. I’m not sure what you do with it, but I like the alliteration.
- Cicada Night at the ballpark. Baseball caps with mosquito nets to the first 1,000 patrons.
be in the moment
The world needs to laugh and smile right now. Use these moments to create some emotion fitting to your brand’s perception. Cicadas are one example. There are content opportunities every day. Be in the moment and let your audience and customers know you’re paying attention.
Contact me if I can search for an idea or help you refine your brand differences.

Ron Harrell
As the founder of Harrell Media Group, I offer Brand Consultation, Talent Coaching, and Fractional Management for radio and audio brands. Contact me for a No Copy & Paste review.